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UK House Prices Tipped To Rise Further

Mon 01 Jul 2024

Be ready for whatever happens by staying up to date with the latest property market news with us.

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Record Property Prices as Market Remains Price-Sensitive

Mon 17 Jun 2024

This is a time of change in the UK, but house prices are still rising - we can help you make informed decisions in your local housing market.

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Buyers Want Terraced Homes

Mon 03 Jun 2024

Knowing what buyers are looking for is an essential component of achieving success in the property market, and at Coakley & Theaker, we know what the market is looking for.

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Increase In Property Supply Creates Optimism – Spring 2024

Mon 13 May 2024

News that the supply of homes is rising is positive news for buyers and sellers alike in the housing market - if you need assistance in Bury St Edmunds, we are here to assist you.

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Development Plans and Issues Facing Bury St Edmunds Property Build

Wed 01 May 2024

Stay in touch with the latest property development news in Bury St Edmunds, and consider what it means to the local housing market.

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Asking Prices On The Up In Spring 2024 Housing Market

Mon 15 Apr 2024

If you're a homeowner, you want to see signs things are looking up in the housing market. Rising asking prices might be the sign you're looking for.

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Buyer Optimism Builds Momentum in UK Housing Market

Tue 02 Apr 2024

Spring is a time for optimism and there is growing demand in the UK housing market. If you want to make a move in or around Bury St Edmunds, we are here for you.

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Be Aware Of Gazundering When Selling A Home

Mon 18 Mar 2024

Losing out on a proeprty sale at the last minute is stressful, but it is possible to minimise the risk of gazundering.

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Selling To FTBs Represent Challenges

Mon 04 Mar 2024

Selling your home requires you to understand the needs of buyers, and we can help with this. We'll ensure you know what first-time buyers need.

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Downsizing The Right Way Is Best For Many Households

Mon 19 Feb 2024

If your house is feeling a little bit too big for your needs, downsizing might be the most effective solution. We can talk you through the process and take you from current home to your perfect new house.

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Supply Of Homes Is On The Up In Early 2024

Mon 05 Feb 2024

A rise in the increase of homes for sale in the market is poitive news, not just for buyers, but for sellers too. Yes, this creates more competition, but it indicates a healthy market, and one more buyers will look towards.

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Navigating the Changing Landscape: Selling Your House in 2024

Mon 22 Jan 2024

A new year brings fresh opportunities, but many challenges. As experienced local estate agents, we are here to ensure you make informed decisions when selling your home, so get in touch today.

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Increased Demand Gives Cause For Optimism In 2024 Property Market

Mon 08 Jan 2024

It is good to start a New Year on a positive foot, and there is cause for optimism in the 2024 housing market. Let us help you make a move in the 12 months which lie ahead.

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Improving The Home Buying and Selling Process - Autumn Statement 2023

Mon 18 Dec 2023

Government changes, and potential changes to the Government, will likely impact the housing market in 2024, and we'll keep you fully informed of what matters to you.

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Don’t Let Poor Communication Disrupt Your House Sale

Mon 04 Dec 2023

Clear and timely communication is integral to all property moves, and we can help you.

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Leveraging Your Home Sale in Achieving Financial Milestones

Mon 20 Nov 2023

A little help often goes a long way in the housing market.

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The Rebirth of The Greyhound: A Glimpse into Bury St Edmunds’ Property Market Evolution

Mon 06 Nov 2023

Bury St Edmunds is changing, and this means there are property opportunities. This is also true for homeowners, and we are here to assist you as best we can.

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Selling Your Home? Here's What Today's Buyers Are Really Facing

Mon 16 Oct 2023

Knowing what buyers are looking for in a home helps sellers connect with them, and we are here to assist you as best we can.

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First-Time Buyers and Their Unseen Impact on Home Sellers in the UK

Mon 02 Oct 2023

If you are looking to sell your Bury St Edmunds, the presence of first-time buyers in the market helps, even if they aren't looking for a home like yours.

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Navigating the Bank of Family: How Coakley & Theaker Can Guide You

Mon 18 Sep 2023

We know many people find the prospect of home ownership to be a pipe dream these days. For those who can rely on family support, there is an opportunity to step on the property ladder, and we can help.

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Brighten Your Home's Appeal: The Benefits of Solar Panels for Sellers

Tue 05 Sep 2023

There are short and long term goals to consider when caring for your home, and solar panels offer benefits and returns now and tomorrow.

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Bury St Edmunds Property Prices August 2023

Mon 14 Aug 2023

We want you to make informed decisions in the Bury St Edmunds housing market, which is why we offer up to date property prices,

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Improvements And New Venues In Bury St Edmunds

Tue 01 Aug 2023

You need information to make smart decisions in the housing market, and we keep you up-to-date with everything that is happening in Bury St Edmunds.

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Managing Fall Throughs In Housing Market

Mon 17 Jul 2023

Fall-throughs are part and parcel of the UK property market, but you can take steps to minimise the chances of this problem occurring.

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Sensible Improvements For Selling Your Bury St Edmunds Home

Wed 05 Jul 2023

As well as improving your home in the short-term, you can make changes that help you sell your home later.

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Space Even More Important In Housing Market

Mon 19 Jun 2023

We all know space is important in and around the home, but it looks as though these features are becoming ever more vital in the current housing market.

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Library Boost Local Community Hub In Bury St Edmunds

Mon 05 Jun 2023

We care about the local community, and we love seeing improvements and positive changes. A local library plays such a huge role in people's lives, and we're glad to see a fresh outlook here.

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More Housing Options Is Good For All In Bury St Edmunds

Mon 15 May 2023

At Coakley & Theaker, we know there is high demand for property in and around Bury St Edmunds. New developments help, but if you are interested in selling your home, we can connect you with buyers.

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Housing Market Holding Firm As We Enter May 2023

Tue 02 May 2023

With asking prices remaining steady, the housing market remains in reasonable shape as we move towards summer of 2023.

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Boosting Your Home's Appeal: A Guide to the Features That Will Impress Property Buyers

Mon 17 Apr 2023

With so much competition in the property market, proactive vendors have an improved chance of selling their home. No matter your budget, there are ways for you to connect with a buyer.

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Bury St Edmunds School Improves Ofsted Rating

Mon 03 Apr 2023

When a local school does well, the entire community benefits, including those involved in the local property market. We are delighted to see the hard work of a Bury St Edmunds primary school has been officially recognised.

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New Development Can Boost Bury St Edmunds

Tue 28 Mar 2023

New development work is positive in the long term for an area, and this is the case for Bury St Edmunds. More facilities, in health and education, brings benefits to all manner of households.

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Popular Website Hails Bury St Edmunds

Tue 14 Mar 2023

Knowing other people love Bury ST Edmunds as much as we do is a great joy, and we think this is easily the best place to live in Suffolk.

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Rightmove Gives Cause For Optimism In Early 2023 Housing Market

Tue 28 Feb 2023

Rightmove is the leading property portal in the UK, and when they discuss the housing market, people listen. This is a challenging time, but if you are looking to make a move soon, there is considerable optimism surrounding house moves.

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Dealing with the Cost-of-Living Crisis: Downsizing for Seniors

Tue 07 Feb 2023

The cost of living crisis has negatively impacted people across the country, from all backgrounds and of all ages. Many pensioners and mature people are looking for ways to better manage their finances, and downsizing property might be the most effective solution.

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A Happy Start To 2023 For Bury St Edmunds

Tue 24 Jan 2023

If you are looking for the best place to live, there are many reasons why you should check out what Bury St Edmunds has to offer, one of the more appealing locations in the wider local area.

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Home Selling Plans In 2023?

Tue 10 Jan 2023

If you intend to sell your home in 2023, it is best to formulate a plan based around selling quickly and efficiently. We are highly experienced when it comes to selling homes across Bury St Edmunds, and we are happy to assist you.

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Bury St Edmunds Property Snapshot At End Of 2022

Tue 20 Dec 2022

The end of the year is a great time to look back, and with our support, you'll know everything you need about the local housing market. Let's move forward with confidence in 2023.

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Tips For Selling Your Home In A Challenging Economy

Tue 06 Dec 2022

We know these are difficult times in the market, but it is far from impossible to sell your home. We have a range of services aimed at ensuring you connect with buyers, and move in the right direction.

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Have You Made These DIY Mistakes At Home?

Tue 29 Nov 2022

While DIY work can transform a home and even add value if done well, problems can arise if mistakes are made. Knowing the most common mistakes, and how to avoid them is vital for homeowners.

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Focus On Energy Efficiency In Housing Market

Tue 08 Nov 2022

Given the rising costs of energy in the home, it is no surprise a growing number of homeowners are looking for ways to improve the efficiency of their home heating.

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How Estate Agents Generate Buyer Interest In A Property

Tue 25 Oct 2022

If you want to sell your home, you need to work with an estate agent who helps you connect with buyers. We are well-placed to ensure you sell your house in the most appropriate manner.

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What You Need to Know About Stamp Duty Before Buying a Property in the UK

Tue 11 Oct 2022

With stamp duty changing, it is best to be proactive and know what it means to you and your property aims. We can help you make the smart move.

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Bury St Edmunds Is An Excellent Place To Live

Wed 03 Aug 2022

One of the most hidden gems in Suffolk is Bury St Edmunds. People love its relaxed and friendly atmosphere in this quaint market town. There are many reasons why Bury St Edmunds is one of the happiest towns in England. Here are some of them. Listed below is a list of the top 5 reasons Bury is an excellent place to live. But don't take our word for it - go check out the town yourself and see for yourself.

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Bury St Edmunds House Prices Spring 2022

Sun 22 May 2022

With spring 2022 tipped to be a busy time for the housing market, it is important to remain informed as to what is happening in the local housing market. At Coakley & Theaker, we are committed to ensuring you know about Bury St Edmunds house prices.

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Ideal Time To List Your Home For Sale?

Sun 15 May 2022

At Coakley & Theaker, we know spring is an active time in the housing market. There have been many changes and even evolutions in the local and national housing market of late, but many factors remain the same.

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What Is Happening In 2022 Housing Market?

Sun 15 May 2022

It is still very early in 2022, but as with any industry, many people are lining up to analyse what has happened, and what is happening, in the housing market.

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Record Highs In Housing Market

Sun 15 May 2022

While it is clear there is significant demand for property right now, when you look at the figures, you might be shocked at how large the demand is.

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Changing Aspects Of Housing Market

Sun 15 May 2022

We all know the housing market changes quickly, but many people have been shocked at how quickly changes have occurred of late.

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Bury St Edmunds Jewel In The Crown Of Suffolk

Sun 15 May 2022

When it comes to finding your ideal place to live, there is always a lot to be said for seeing what people say in general.

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Remote Working Shifting Demands In Housing Market

Fri 25 Feb 2022

At Coakley & Theaker, we know buyer demands have changed because of the events of the past few years. People want more space inside and outside of their home, and with many people working from home, there is a greater need for dependable broadband services.

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Connect With Buyers In 2022

Sun 06 Feb 2022

You know there is demand for homes these days, and that the supply of homes is unable to keep up. However, this doesn’t mean homeowners can afford to become complacent when going to market.

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Is Bury St Edmunds A Good Place To Live?

Wed 26 Jan 2022

If you are thinking about moving home in 2022, there is a lot for you to consider.

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Interest Rates Rises And The Housing Market

Tue 04 Jan 2022

For the first time in over three years, the Bank of England has increased interest rates.

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Will Asking Prices Lower?

Fri 26 Nov 2021

With demand for homes being so high of late, it is no surprise that asking prices have risen. There has been significant demand for houses, and many vendors know buyers are willing to pay over the odds.

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How Much Extra Are Buyers Paying For Homes With Storage?

Tue 09 Nov 2021

This means vendors can improve their chances of connecting in the marketplace by ensuring their home has a great deal of storage.

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EPC Changes You Need In Housing Market

Wed 27 Oct 2021

If you plan on selling your home, it is vital you know about the Energy Performance Certificate, or EPC. You are legally required to hold one when you sell your house.

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Know Why Some Buyers Don’t Make An Offer

Tue 05 Oct 2021

While there are many buyers in the local market, there are valid reasons for buyers not to proceed with a sale. At Coakley & Theaker, we are pleased to say, we know the local market, and we know how to connect vendors with buyers.

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Space Still Essential For Property Buyers

Thu 23 Sep 2021

At Coakley & Theaker, we are pleased to say we have assisted many people in the housing market in recent months. This has been a considerably busy time in the property market, and the demand for homes has been essential.

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Changing Needs Around Property Viewings

Thu 02 Sep 2021

It is fair to say the way people buy and sell homes has changed considerably in recent times. The impact of the pandemic and lockdown has been felt in many ways. Even though house sales have taken place in great numbers, there is a great deal of caution associated with the process.

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Challenges For First-Time Buyers

Tue 17 Aug 2021

The ability of first-time buyers to step onto the property ladder is a big factor for everyone in the housing market. If you are looking to sell your home, you want as many buyers in the market as possible, and first-time buyers make up a sizable part of the housing market.

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Planning Your Next Property Move?

Thu 05 Aug 2021

The housing market in England has been extremely busy of late, but not everyone is looking to move. At Coakley & Theaker, we are more than happy to help you plan your move, but if your focus is on the future as opposed to now, we can help you too.

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The Reasons Behind Home Moves In 2021

Wed 23 Jun 2021

At Coakley & Theaker, we are on hand to help you with whatever move you wish to make in the housing market. We know the housing market has been busy in 2021, and there are many reasons people look to move home.

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Has Help To Buy Assisted Homebuyers?

Sun 06 Jun 2021

At Coakley & Theaker, we know buying a home is a challenging process, and any help is more than welcome. If you are looking for guidance in the market, we are more than happy to advise you.

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Fast Moving Housing Market

Mon 17 May 2021

It is important to note there are different definitions in the housing market.

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Property Transaction Completions Are On The Rise

Mon 03 May 2021

At Coakley & Theaker, we know this has been a challenging year, but things are moving forward. As we move out of lockdown, people are keen to return to the things they loved, and to try new things.

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Buyer Demand And Expectations – Spring 2021

Wed 21 Apr 2021

If you plan on selling your home, it is helpful to know what buyers are looking for. In the current climate, demand for property outstrips supply, so there is a good opportunity for vendors to enter the market with confidence.

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A Chance For Vendors In Housing Market

Tue 06 Apr 2021

It is not as demand outstripping supply is a new phenomenon in the English housing market. This situation has regularly been cited as one of the leading issues in the property market, leading to rising prices.

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Looking To Own Your Home?

Wed 10 Mar 2021

While it has been a challenging year, there is no reason to believe homeownership is beyond you. At Coakley & Theaker, we are pleased to say we have helped many prospective buyers find and buyer their dream home.

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Reasons Behind Housing Moves In 2021

Wed 03 Mar 2021

While the number of property moves at the end of 2020 will lead you to think not many moves will take place this year, you might be surprised.

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Bury St Edmunds Appeals To More Buyers

Thu 11 Feb 2021

We all know buyer demand has shifted in the past year, and many people are looking for homes with more space.

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Spring Clean And Declutter To Sell Your Home In 2021

Wed 03 Feb 2021

If you are planning on selling your home at some point in 2021, you should look to use the rest of this lockdown period effectively.

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Managing Pressure In The Housing Market

Mon 18 Jan 2021

While the end of 2020 saw the housing market in robust manner, there is no getting away from the fact that many buyers, vendors and professionals were under considerable pressure.

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Bury St Edmunds Housing Market 2021

Wed 06 Jan 2021

The start of a year provides an opportunity for a fresh start, and a chance to make plans for what lies ahead.

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Virtual Viewing Figures Are Sky High

Thu 17 Dec 2020

We shouldn’t be surprised to learn virtual viewing figures have risen.

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The Importance Of Broadband

Thu 03 Dec 2020

If you plan on selling your home, it is helpful to know what buyers are looking for. Right now, buyers are looking for larger homes, they want space, and they need dependable broadband.

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Will Buyers Be Given More Support?

Thu 19 Nov 2020

At Coakley & Theaker, we appreciate the stamp duty holiday has bene helpful for many buyers, but not all buyers. We know many first-time buyers haven’t seen much support to step on the property ladder with this measure.

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Buyer Demand Is There And Vendors Can Connect

Sat 07 Nov 2020

With the stamp duty holiday in place, there is significant demand for property right now.

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Rush For Homes With Gardens Continues

Thu 15 Oct 2020

Over 80% of respondents expect the demand for properties with a garden to continue rising in the next two years.

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Do You Know The Hidden Fees When Moving Home?

Thu 08 Oct 2020

Moving home at the best of times is a stressful activity, and this is even more true right now. You’ll also find moving home is expensive, and there are many unexpected costs involved with the moving process.

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Why Is There High Demand For Property Right Now?

Fri 18 Sep 2020

You might have noticed there is considerable demand for property right now, even though we are in a recession. If you are looking for guidance on why the housing market is experiencing a lot of activity, we can help.

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Be Prepared For Housing Market Activity

Sat 12 Sep 2020

While official confirmation that the economy is in recession is hardly positive, these are busy times in the housing market.

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Vendors Should Respond To Stamp Duty Opportunity

Wed 26 Aug 2020

While most of the focus for the stamp duty holiday has fallen on buyers, there is an opportunity for vendors to capitalise on this opportunity.

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Bury St Edmunds Housing – Impact Of Stamp Duty Holiday

Tue 25 Aug 2020

The stamp duty holiday has had a massive impact on the housing market. If you are looking for guidance on how it has affected the local market, we can help.

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Staging Your Outdoor Space And Sell Your House

Mon 20 Jul 2020

The demand for gardens and outdoor space has increased significantly since the housing market re-opened, and vendors need to react to this need from buyers.

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First-Time Buyers Impact On Sales In Housing Market

Mon 13 Jul 2020

If you are looking to sell your home, it is vital you know what buyers are looking for; and tailoring your service to meet them will help you sell your home.

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Housing Market As Lockdown Lifts

Fri 26 Jun 2020

Even though the housing market has re-opened, things are not back to normal. If you need guidance, please contact us for the latest information on the property market.

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Selling Your House With A Pet

Fri 19 Jun 2020

If you plan on selling your home with a pet, there is a need to take additional steps to ensure your home appeals to likely buyers.

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Using Lockdown To Prepare Your Home For Sale

Thu 28 May 2020

With the housing market re-opened, there is an opportunity for vendors to prepare their home for sale.

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DIY Boom During Lockdown – Top Tips

Thu 21 May 2020

If you are looking to improve your home and add value to it, there is a lot of DIY work you can undertake right now.

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Calls For Further Stamp Duty Holiday To Boost Housing Market

Thu 14 May 2020

Changes to stamp duty can help people make their way onto the property ladder.

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Homes With Garden Space In Even Greater Demand

Thu 07 May 2020

Gardens have always been an important feature for buyers, but they are likely to become even more integral for buyers in the next few weeks and months.

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Lockdown DIY Projects

Tue 21 Apr 2020

It is understandable many people are looking to make the most of their time at home, and DIY projects are on the up.

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Remote Working Tips For Your Home

Mon 13 Apr 2020

If you are new to working from home, it is vital you familiarise yourself with good working practices. These tips will help you be more productive at home.

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March 2020 Budget – UK Property Market Issues

Wed 18 Mar 2020

The March 2020 Budget introduced a number of measures that impact on the UK housing and letting market, and there are some complaints over the lack of support for landlords.

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Stamp Duty Changes For The Budget?

Sun 08 Mar 2020

The March 2020 Budget is likely to be a hugely important one for the UK housing market. We can help you make an informed decision in the local property market.

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House Hunter Numbers Surged In January – Are You Ready To Sell?

Wed 26 Feb 2020

With an increase in people looking to buy property, there has never been a better time for vendors to place their house on the market.

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HMRC Transaction Figures Increased In January 2020

Mon 24 Feb 2020

While many people believe 2020 will be a good year for the property market, it is pleasing to see HMRC figures back up this belief.

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Vendors And Buyers Re-Emerge In Property Market

Fri 14 Feb 2020

There is a greater sense of optimism, which is being sustained, in the housing market.

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RICS Expect UK Housing Market To Improve

Mon 27 Jan 2020

Optimism for the UK housing market is high at the start of 2020, and we all hope this continues.

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Landlords Must Meet Electrical Safety Standards

Mon 20 Jan 2020

Landlords must comply with regulations, including the new Electrical Safety standards.

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5 Great Ways To Add Value To Your Property

Wed 18 Dec 2019

If you are selling your home, it is best to add value to the property, and we can help you.

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Boxing Day Bounce: Ready To Sell Your Home?

Thu 05 Dec 2019

While the start of a New Year is a great time to make changes, many buyers are looking for homes before the end of the year - are you ready to sell your home.

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Bury St Edmunds Vendors: For Sale Boards Work

Tue 26 Nov 2019

Online property portals have transformed the market, but there is a lot to be said for traditional ways of selling your home; including the for sale board.

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Energy Efficient Upgrades Sell Your Home

Tue 12 Nov 2019

There are many reasons to improve the energy efficiency of your property, and these changes can help sell your home.

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Bury St Edmund’s Vendors – Here’s What Buyers Want

Thu 24 Oct 2019

When you know what buyers are looking for, it becomes easier to position your home to meet their needs and expectations.

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4 Quick Tips To Sell Your Home

Thu 10 Oct 2019

If you are looking to sell your home, follow these steps and make sure you are in the best place to attract buyers to your property.

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Do You Know The Costs Of Selling Your Home?

Sat 21 Sep 2019

Selling your home can be expensive, so make sure you are prepared for several fees during the process.

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Why A Floor Plan Helps You Sell Your Home

Sat 14 Sep 2019

If you want to sell your home quickly, give buyers as much information as possible.

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What Buyers Search For When Looking For A New Home

Wed 21 Aug 2019

It is possible to improve the value of your home and make your property more appealing to buyers.

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The Cost of Selling A House

Thu 08 Aug 2019

Make sure you are fully prepared for all parts of the sales process, including the cost of selling your home.

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Importance of Valuations When Selling Your Bury St Edmunds Home

Wed 07 Aug 2019

When you sell your home, it is vital you place an accurate valuation on the property. We can help you value and sell your home in Bury St Edmunds and surrounding areas.

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Why Now Is A Good Time To Invest In Bury St Edmunds

Thu 25 Jul 2019

Bury St Edmunds, and surrounding areas, provide you with many reasons to consider buying property, and settling down in a stunning area.

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Local House Prices In Bury St Edmunds

Thu 11 Jul 2019

Stay up to date with local property prices, and make an informed decision in your local market.

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Sat 01 Jun 2019

Coakley & Theaker has been accepted as a regional licensed agent for Open House, a national network of independent estate agents.

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SUMMER IS HERE ..... Now is a great time to sell!

Sat 01 Jun 2019

SUMMER IS HERE ..... Now is a great time to sell!

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SPRING INTO ACTION ..... Now is a great time to sell!

Fri 01 Mar 2019

SPRING INTO ACTION ..... Now is a great time to sell!

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Considering Moving to or Investing in Property Overseas?

Wed 05 Dec 2018

Overseas Property Service - Suffolk Partner Agent of Renowned International Property company with 33 years experience.

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Look out for our NEW eye-catching FOR SALE & SOLD Boards

Sun 11 Nov 2018

These NEW FOR SALE & SOLD Boards are now in your area!

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Autumn ..... Now is a great time to sell!

Tue 09 Oct 2018

Autumn ..... Now is a great time to sell!

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Don't just take our word for it ...

Tue 07 Aug 2018

These cards show that many clients are delighted with the personal, professional and friendly service that we provide - all at a fee which is fair, flexible, highly competitive and great value.

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You'll be SOLD on our Service & Fee

Sun 05 Aug 2018

Look out for these cards dropping through your doors. Keep them for yourself or give to a friend or another family member, so they can benefit from our great value service.

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